Thursday, February 25, 2021

Discovering Musicians: Alexander Malofeev

I often find myself saying that all the great pianists these days are Russians and I just discovered another one, the nineteen year old Alexander Malofeev. Here he is playing the Saint-Saëns. Piano Concerto No 2 in Madrid this past November:

Also, I'm starting to think that Camille Saint-Saëns is actually rather an interesting composer. A while back I found myself listening to his Symphony No. 3, which has a heck of a finale:


David said...

Thanks for today's envoi. Saint-Saens' "Organ" Symphony has long been a favourite of mine. The first movement awakening of the orchestra, section by section is a quintessential "bustle in your hedgerow" to quote LZ. I have to resist the urge to rush to the big organ climax, but the whole piece makes for great listening. A prime demonstration of the benefits of having an organ in a concert hall. Recordings worth hearing: Munch with Boston, Paray with Detroit and Martinon with Orchestre National de l'ORTF.

Bryan Townsend said...

I've been getting more and more fond of the Organ Symphony myself!