Friday, August 20, 2021

Visiting an Alp

I like to do at least one post with just some general reflections on Austria as I find it an interesting place--certainly a great contrast with where I live in climate, geography and history. Last weekend when some German friends were visiting we did a characteristically Austrian thing: we took a cable car up to the top of an alp. Just four miles south of Salzburg lies the Untersberg, a 2,000 meter peak. The cable car, the Untersbergbahn, is actually on the city bus lines. Here are some photos from our excursion.

Everyone has a BMW or Audi or...

The cable car supposedly holds 50 persons

Yep, that's where we're going

Here is a better perspective looking from Salzburg. Click to enlarge

On the way up.

That's the small Salzburg airport.

Feeling on top of the world.

This was the second time I've been up this alp--the first was when I was a student here many years ago. The cable car goes right up to the very top and there are even two restaurants there. Great day trip.


Will Wilkin said...

That cable car ride seems a total THRILL!!!

Bryan Townsend said...

Oh, you bet! With only occasional moments of panic.