Friday, August 9, 2024

Salzburg and Austria: Natural beauty

There are lots of things to love about Austria: excellent alpine milk, a myriad of sausages, beautiful landscapes:


The Salzkammergut is a mountainous region next to Salzburg with sixty lakes! What I find the most amazing is that the whole countryside looks like a park. Here, in the foreground, you can see a couple of open fields that look like freshly mown lawn. Well, every open area looks exactly the same, like they have a thousand gardeners manicuring them every day. But no. This is, I suppose, ideal lawn country because it rains about every other day. The only manicuring I saw was performed by some healthy looking cows, munching away.

The food is excellent--mind you, I may be biased because I like Austrian food. Mmm sausages, wienerschnitzel, potato salad, wheat beer, bring it on!

Austrians are very nature oriented and it seems to be working. On a day trip the other day I saw wild deer in a meadow as well as some swans looking for a handout:

Two swans on Hallstattsee

You can see why so many composers liked to spend their summers working in a little cabin by the lake.


Steven said...

Mahler or Bruckner, say, make a bit more sense to me when I see photos like that. Magnificent beauty.

Bryan Townsend said...

Oh yes! And especially, coming from Mexico, all that water and greenery just seems outrageous!