Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Salzburg, Day 17, Arcadi Volodos

Last night was one of my favorite concerts of the festival. Russian pianist Arcadi Volodos gave a terrific recital in the Großer Saal of the Mozarteum.


Piano Sonata in A minor D. 845



Davidsbündlertänze (Dances of the League of David) op. 6


Hungarian Rhapsody in A minor S 244/13

Version by Arcadi Volodos



Lied “Hier ist es schön” op. 21 Nr. 7


Moments musicaux, D. 780

Nr. 3 f-Moll. Allegro moderato.




Sicilienne (Transkription von J. S. Bach, BWV 596)

Again, the helpful elves of the festival have added the four encores to the program. The only one I recognized was, of course, the Malagueña of Lecuona in a wildly virtuoso arrangement.

The first half consisted entirely of the Piano Sonata D. 845 of Franz Schubert and it was quite likely the finest performance of a Schubert sonata I have ever heard--my seat-mate thought the last movement was a bit too fast, though. Volodos played with complete control, both technical and expressive. The tone was liquid and melting with a wide dynamic range. He is one pianist who is not afraid to both explore the quietest pianissimi as well as shake the rafters with a full-blooded fortissimo.

This was followed by the Davidsbündertänze of Robert Schumann which I haven't heard in quite a while but again, it was a masterful performance rich in lyric grace and in muscular assertion. I'm afraid I drifted off in the Liszt as I tend to when there is an excess of virtuosity. But I was fully alert for the four encores the audience demanded. The Großer Saal is an excellent venue for a piano recital as it is so much more intimate than the big halls on the Karajan-platz.

I attended Volodos' recital at the 2021 Salzburg Festival and my comment was quite similar:

He is a magician at the keyboard, with astounding command of the finest shades of dynamic and color. He often creates mystic atmospheres of texture with finely delineated pianissimi and is a master of the pregnant pause. He rarely resorts to fortissimo and it is more effective for that very reason.

 On that occasion he played in the Haus für Mozart, a hall twice as large as the Großer Saal. Here is a photo from last night:

Arcadi Volodos in the Großer Saal of the Mozarteum

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