Saturday, August 31, 2024

Composer portraits

I don't find a lot of what Ted Gioia writes to be very interesting, but he came up with a good one today: Google Thinks Beethoven Looks Like Mr. Bean. Well, no, that is another exaggeration, but from the evidence Mr. Gioia assembles it is certainly the case that Google is massively falsifying historic images of composers. This certainly doesn't look like Mr. Bean--but it looks even less like Beethoven:

This is what Beethoven actually looked like, from a contemporary portrait:

Follow the link for some more ridiculous images. What really and truly shocks me is people are still using Google? I switched to DuckDuckGo at least ten years ago. They aren't perfect, but at least they aren't insane.

Here is the "Tempest" Sonata for Piano with Maria João Pires:

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