Monday, July 29, 2024

Two worlds and today's listening

After four hours last night immersed in the highly cultured environment of opera, it was rather a dash of cold water this morning just to glance at the news. The Olympics, especially the opening ceremony with some really unfortunate imagery (you know what I mean), the election in Venezuela, Lebanon, wild fires in Canada and California, the US election news. Well, you get the idea. Sometimes I really wonder where all this is going to end up. And then I am really grateful that we still have Mozart (and the other people).


Patrick said...

Hi Bryan - I'm curious as to if you have seen local commentary (German or Austrian) on the death of Wolfgang Rihm this week and, if so, the general tenor of it? Do you have an opinion of your own on his music?

Bryan Townsend said...

Oh gosh, sorry, I know the name, but I don't know his music and the only local media I have looked at was the Saturday Salzburger Nachrichten.