Friday, March 22, 2024

Today's Listening

 Here is a very interesting Reichian piece by Ligeti:

UPDATE: Egads, I think I saw a 17 in the time of 24-let! Or was it 24 in the time of 17? Ok, I went back and checked and it was even worse: 17 in the time of 16. How the heck you do that in a whole string section and how the listener can tell if they are right or not are things to ponder.


Maury said...


Bryan Townsend said...

I have actually been contemplating the relationship between graphic scores and the heard music in the context of Wittgenstein's idea that a proposition is a picture of reality. He even equated things like gramophone recordings and musical scores as being 'pictures' of the music. Of course, this is different than "augenmusik" which is implicitly a criticism.