Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Procedural Issue

A commentator has just let me know that recently some of his comments have disappeared. Has anyone else had this problem? I moderate comments here because a few years ago a war erupted in the comments that I had to put a stop to because it was irrelevant to the blog. But I so rarely delete a comment that I haven't actually done so for the last few years! So, if anyone else has had a problem, I will simply stop moderation entirely and we can see how that goes.

Just let me know!

For a reward, a Wigmore Hall live streaming concert on right now: Ailish Tynan & Iain Burnside in a lieder recital:


Maury said...

One comment disappeared months ago but it has gotten more frequent recently which is why I mentioned it. Also you yourself mentioned it a few days ago. There is a simple expedient just to write or copy the comment into a word processor but I was wondering if the software wasn't intruding a filter of some kind itself. In other words is there some default filter setting that is running parallel to your moderation?

I think if you remove moderation you will have to quickly delete spam or hate posts. But if you always look at comments within a day that is a small problem unless a campaign starts. Also I wonder if there is a default filter. You should closely review the documentation for your new software.

Bryan Townsend said...

I just went into the Spam folder, but none of your comments ended up there, so still a mystery. I'm not aware of any other filter apart from the Spam filter. There is more Spam than there used to be, so perhaps I need to keep the moderation for the moment. Please, other folks weigh in if you have experienced a comment disappearing.

I don't have the technical competence to review the coding for the new Blogger, so that's not going to happen!