Friday, October 4, 2019

All of Bach

The Netherlands Bach Society is embarked on an excellent project: informal video recordings of performances of all the Bach repertoire. What is particularly and refreshingly different is that while they are choosing very good performers, none of them are celebrities and there is no "marketing," the curse of the 21st century. As a sample, here is the Cello Suite No. 3 played by a young, but accomplished cello student, Reinier Wink. Blogger won't embed so just click the link.

They often choose more seasoned players, but again, with no marketing fuss. Here is the Prelude and Fugue, BWV 855 played by Frédérick Haas in what looks like his living room:

There are simply a host of very fine musicians that are just not part of the international celebrity virtuoso set.

1 comment:

Marc in Eugene said...

One of those wonders that makes me truly grateful for the Internet etc etc.