Monday, May 27, 2024

Today's Listening: Feldman

If music is a window on the mystical, then one of those windows has to be Morton Feldman. His later works tend to be very leisurely:


Patrick said...

Interesting interview with Feldman - discussion of classical composers anxiety over not wasting time in a composition and performance vs non-performance composers.

Listening to Hamelin's For Bunita Marcus makes one realize Feldman explored much different territory from most classical.

Bryan Townsend said...

Thanks for the link! A friend of mind did a PhD in composition with Feldman at SUNY Stony Brook and had some interesting stories. For his Viva Voce exam there was just one question: What was the influence of Debussy on 20th Century music? Bof!

Yes, Feldman did explore different ground from most. And whenever I have had enough time to listen to one of his long pieces, I have always felt it was worth it.