Friday, May 10, 2024

Crushing Culture and Creativity

I've had an iPad for years and I find it enormously useful. But I don't know what horrifies me more: the new Apple ad for the iPad, or that there are people who are not horrified by it.

It is so smug, disdainful and contemptuous of not only the materials that creative people typically work with, but creative people themselves. Trying sketching on an iPad was one of the things that drove me away from digital technology. iPads may be useful for the usual internet diversions and for promoting, recording and videoing creative activities. But that's it. If you want to actually create something, you need to get your hands dirty with some of those things crushed in the commercial.

That poor guitar...


Maury said...

May I ask what is the connection between the ad and the guitar video? Does she say somewhere learned how to play guitar from a ipad?

Maury said...

sorry for the typos. Does she say somewhere she learned to play from an ipad?

Bryan Townsend said...

One of the things that is crushed in the ad is a guitar.

No-one learns to play guitar from an iPad--your career can be ruined by a couple of misplaced pixels.

Maury said...

Bryan, people can make any bizarre claim these days. It's just that she didn't seem particularly good to me but I may be missing something. Should I take this?;

LEARN GUITAR FAST! 5 Week Guitar Course with Yaroslava Ihnatenko

Bryan Townsend said...

She seems a perfectly capable guitarist. But I had no idea she was offering the 5 week course. Times are tough for classical guitarists these days, but no, I don't recommend online music courses. If you want to learn guitar, you have to sit down and work on it every day. Lessons with a maestro can save you a lot of time. And that's really it.