Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Music Salon Retrospective, Part 3

So today, the one-year anniversary of this blog, I'll do a third post looking back at some of the stuff I was talking about a year ago.

Here is a post on Chopin that gives a brief summary of why he is such an important composer.

Here is another on the difference between virtuosity and musicality.

Here is the first of several posts talking about the problem of harmony.

Here is a more philosophical post about music and emotion.

Here is one talking about music criticism.

And finally, here is a post about some classical "one-hit wonders".



Andrea from Musicworks magazine said...

Hi there,

I'd like to submit a contest for possible inclusion on your blog!

Musicworks magazine's 2nd Annual Sonic Geography Writing Contest

Cash prizes, and winners are published in Musicworks magazine

Details: Write 500 words about the sound of a specific location. How does it influence the space? Check out http://issuu.com/musicworksmagazine/docs/2012_contest for some examples of Sonic Geographies.

To enter: www.musicworks.ca/contest/contest.asp

Deadline: June 25, 2012

Each $20 entry fee includes the price of a 1 year subscription to Musicworks (3 magazines and 3 CDs)

Thanks for helping us spread the word!

All the best to you,


Andrea Warren
Operations and Circulation Manager
Musicworks Magazine
401 Richmond St. W., Suite 358,
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8
(416) 977-3546 / 1 (877) 977-3546

Bryan Townsend said...

Andrea, it would be my pleasure to promote your contest on my blog. I'll put it up first thing tomorrow.

I'm thinking of that place in the Sonoran desert where Elliot Carter wrote his first string quartet...