I've enjoyed Rick Beato's clips on YouTube quite a bit in recent years. He is obviously an experienced and talented musician who appreciates a wide range of music. As a popular musician and producer, you wouldn't expect him to do tribute videos on Bach and Martha Argerich among others. He has taste as well as talent.
He just put up a really interesting video about how he got into university:
Ignoring the usual over-heated title, the gist of it is that he was discouraged from even applying to university by his high school guidance counselor. His SATs were really bad: 880. He found out from some other students that to get into a music program you needed to audition so he asked his non-classical guitar teacher (rock, jazz? it's not clear) to teach him enough classical guitar to pass the audition: three pieces from three different style periods. Plus the Segovia scales. That's kind of weird, by the way--scales at an audition? Anyway, he failed the audition.
Rick's experience came roughly ten years after mine. I graduated high school in 1969 with a horrific C- average. In grade 11, I think it was, we all had to write aptitude tests to see what field we should go into. I wrote the test, but when it came time to meet with the guidance counselor, I didn't even bother going, so to this day I have no idea what the results were. I'm reminded of that episode on Buffy where Zander is slated to be in "corrections"! I ended up working in physical labour type jobs after high school as my rock/blues band failed to get anywhere. Then after a couple of years I applied to university as a mature student and, amazingly, was accepted. No SATs as I don't think we even had them in Canada. I applied to the school of music and yes, there was the dreaded audition. This was in the summer of 1971. I showed up at the school of music, but somehow I was unaware that I had to pass an audition. The conductor of the orchestra was passing through the office at that moment so they asked him to audition me. He took me into a practice room and, playing a note on the piano asked me to sing it back. Then a note in a different register. Then two notes. The two notes far apart. Then he asked me to identify a couple of chords. I had been playing and songwriting by ear for years so I passed quite readily.
I'm quite sure that if Rick had received a similar audition he would have also been accepted. The truth is that some people have real musical sensitivity, even without much training, but most people don't. You can find this out with the aid of a piano in about two minutes. Rick has a phenomenal ear and great musical gifts and these things can be discerned quite easily.
Of course now the music school I auditioned for is quite different. About ten years after I auditioned, I was appointed the first lecturer in a new guitar program at that same school and I was the one doing the auditions! We didn't have published "requirements" for guitar or any other instruments, by the way. You come to the audition and play some pieces on your instrument. We evaluated everything: demeanor, musicality, choice of repertoire and so on. I think that's the case at most schools. There are always a few who are really not classical guitarists, but try to fake it anyway. That really doesn't work.
Lots of questions sparked by the clip: why did he audition on classical guitar if he wanted to enter the jazz studies program? Wouldn't he audition on jazz guitar? If he was trained on the bass, why not audition on that?
By the way, after two years at the first university, who, it turned out, did not even have a guitar teacher at the time, I dropped out and went to Spain to study with José Tomás, a true master of the guitar. That was where I learned to play, certainly not at any Canadian university in the 70s.
Rick's story exemplifies that truth that yes, persistence is really important. But it is really odd that he fails to mention that it was really sheer musical talent that got him through the two degrees: undergraduate bass major and masters in jazz guitar. My problem, if you can call it that, was that I was too focussed on being a classical guitarist and failed to take advantage of the wider range of possibilities at university.
Rick makes good points about not letting educational administrators define him and about the support from his mother.
The real problem I think is that the whole system of public education was built on a foundation of training people to be functional factory workers--and I think this came from the Prussian system? Correct me if I am wrong.
None of the finest musicians I have known, by the way, ever attended a public university. The best French horn player I know auditioned for and won first chair in the Dallas Symphony when he was seventeen. The finest violinist I know was performing on the Austrian radio network when he was nine and he was at the time a student at the Vienna Conservatory--no public school. Similarly with pianists, cellists and guitarists. It even applies to composers, at least until recently.
I have long thought that a big problem with arts programs in university is that they are a very awkward fit in public education. One learns competence in the arts under a kind of apprenticeship such as I experienced in Spain and later in Salzburg. Essentially you go sit at someone's feet. The enormous sums that are channeled into public education do little more than distort the artistic disciplines because ultimately the processes, contents and values are determined by educational administrators who, to be brutally honest, don't have a f**king clue.
Gee, maybe I'm pissed too!
This is the first half of a program that I heard Grigory Sokolov play in Bologna in 2017.